I know, I know, we are creatures of habit and we all hate changes - but ...
... i have a really good reason for this assault to your senses - i am getting confused sometimes ...
It seemed like a good idea at the time when I started this blog - but because our 30th prompt challenge is, in fact a challenge for the next month, and not for the month that the 30th falls on, well, it is confusing me and some other people. It is hard to remember that you are playing for the next month`s prize along with the 15th sketch challenge of that month - so we are going to do something pretty radical here - yes, the 30th prompt challenge will now be the 1st prompt challenge ... yes, i am serious, we are going to do something that radical ...
not only are we changing the date of the prompt challenge - we are not even going to give you some time to get used to it - we will start on the 1st of November - yes, of this year ...
i`m sorry - but you will like it eventually - and I will not change the date of Christmas ... or your birthday ...